Use Snipping Tool to capture a screen shot, or snip, of any object on your screen, and then annotate, save, or share the image. Select the Start button, type snipping tool in the search box on the taskbar, and then select Snipping Tool from the list of results.
Take a screenshot of a math equation, edit or confirm the result, and paste the LaTeX into your document, all with a single keyboard shortcut. It's that simple. Our software does math OCR magic on your screenshot and then copies the LaTeX result into your clipboard. Works with printed and handwritten math.
What’s New
- Speed improvements
- More convenient buttons for copying PNG

Best thing you can imagine
If you're a PhD student like me, who have to write latex all the day, you definitely need this tool. Actually, this is the first time I worte a review for an app without notifications and requests sent to me. Let me tell you something! Imagine that you've just finished a discussion with your supervisor, you two had a wonderful time talking about your fantasitc and Fields-medal-level work. And you guys wrote down so many equations, definitions and proof on your sketch paper during the discussion, which would lead you to Nobel prize. Now the biggest problem is how to put this stuff in LaTeX, even though you are probably an experienced LaTeX user. Why do you waste your time on typing? Why not take the time to have a drink? Just leave it to mathpix! Just scan your sketch paper and make it a pdf then step aside and let mathpix come in. Done!
I have waited for this for years!
I have been looking for a tool to do this exact task for years and, until now, it was only really viable using very expensive enterprise tools. I've been testing this on myriad scanned documents and it's VERY good!
More than good.
It’s quite good as an editor and exporter of LaTeX formulas. The one thing I’d like would be save/load features, and possibly a windowed mode that doesn’t dismiss when clicked off of. Solid!
Snipping Tool For Mac Download
macOS 10.12 or later, 64-bit processor
Skitch For Mac
Download Snipping Tool Windows 10
Family Sharing
With Family Sharing set up, up to six family members can use this app.