Find great deals on eBay for mac tool screwdriver set. Shop with confidence. Aug 11, 2009 I have tried to find the exact size of the screwdriver that I will need to remove bottom lid screws to replace the RAM memory. Is there an exact size and type. I am not near any stores right now so will have to order the precise tool.
What screwdriver size is needed for MacBook Pro mid 2012 back cover?
According to iFixit's teardown the Philips #00 should be used for the 'lower case'. Is the lower case a synonym for the 'back cover'?
user3439894closed as unclear what you're asking by bmike♦Jan 27 at 22:28
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4 Answers
The back cover is secured with Philips #00 screws.
Note that is says:
The lower case is secured by ten Phillips #00 screws.
You can see the ten screws on the back cover:
- four each at the top/bottom
- one each on the left/right

Its a pentalobe on the Mid 2012 Macbook Pro retina. Just purchased Torx and Phillips screwdriver sets based on how to's. Neither phillips 00 or Torx T6 work. Where to find the Pentalobe set next. I just want to upgrade the ram not open a repair shop.
I have a 15” mid-2012 MacBook Pro retina (A1398) and it’s definitely a pentalobe. A Phillips or Torx WILL NOT work.
Itool For Mac
Mac Tools For Sale
The screws are pentalobes and should not be mixed by Philips or torx. If you usa a torx screwdriver you will damage the screws and in worst case you'll make them flat and you will not be able to unscrew them.
Amazon Laptop Screws
More info on pentalobes: