I was wondering if there are any online or offline free programs that paraphrase text for me.
Best Video Software for the Mac How To Run MacOS High Sierra or Another OS on Your Mac Best Graphic Design Software the Mac Stay Safe with Best Free. Paraphrase - The Tool for those Extra Words. With a searchable database of 100,000 PLR Articles, Content Professor Spintbot online paraphrasing tool brings Google Panda style searches to reusable/PLR content. 100% Free Web Based Article Spinner & Rewriter. Easily use with Mac, Windows, Linux, or your favorite Browser.
Use google translator. convert your text into another language than covert in back. Try it couple of time before getting the end result. Not perfect but you get what you want.
Read with your hand. Smooth, consistent eye motion is essential to speed reading. You can maximize your eyes' efficiency by using your hand to guide them. One such method is to simply draw your hand down each page as you read. You can also brush your hand under each line you read, as if you are brushing dust off the lines. Your eyes instinctively follow motion, and the movement of your hand serves to keep your eyes moving constantly forward. Note, however, that many speed reading instruction books warn off using a tracking member in speed reading as it inhibits the process. can you paraphrase this? now?
i like to get a tools for paraphrase
Why are so many of these ppl who r looking for paraphrasers Pakistanis? lmfao.... Coincidence?? Doubt it...
Hamad, BE NICE if you are asking for help... you obviously lack some simple courtesy and common sense!!! Dumbass
@avenger (because the 3 looks ridiculous) you're attitude is unreasonable. Don't answer a question if you (obviously) can't provide an answer. Otherwise, you are subjecting yourself to stultification.
Look for 'text spinner' tools. I'm not going to point you toward any, because the only use case I can think of is rewriting wikipedia for homework, or rewriting stolen web content, neither of which I particularly want to encourage. Let me know otherwise how you plan to use it!
Is that a software? Please read the question properly before you answer. Thanks.
i have read the question, just was to clear the concept, Paraphrasing is a human skill, Turning reading into ‘your own words’ is called paraphrasing. In linguistics, paraphrases
are characterized by approximate conceptual equivalence. Find other words and phrases that have similar meanings that you can use to
replace the words in the text. Use a thesaurus or dictionary to help you.Article Spinner - Make Unique/Software Compatible Articles
http://www.freearticlespinner.com/You don't have to tell me what paraphrasing means, I have been doing it for years. Anyways thanks for these links (Y)
sorry not my intention to explain paraphrasing, didnt knew you are an expert in this field. Please accept my apologies.
U re an ass!
Dear Brother,
I am sorry to interfere but I couldn't stop myself. Please be nice to the people particularly when you would like to get help from them.
I am sorry Anonymous on behalf of my brother.
He is trying to help you. This is the first time i met such an arrogant asker.

Need a quick summary of an article? Your Mac can do that, without the need for extra software – and you’ll find all sorts of OS X features you’ve been overlooking in the process.
Summary Service isn’t new to OS X. It’s been around since the early days of OS X, but it’s buried in a menu you probably never look at – the services menu, one of many contextual menus on your MacGo Beyond Keyboard Shortcuts by Using Contextual Menus On Your MacGo Beyond Keyboard Shortcuts by Using Contextual Menus On Your MacUsing assigned keyboard shortcuts is all well and good, but advanced Mac users know about the power of contextual menus when getting things done in OS X.Read More.
Don’t know about the services menu? You see it every time you click the name of your open app in the menubar or right-click an icon:
Yeah, that thing. If you’re like most Mac users you almost always mouse past this, which is a shame. You’re missing out on the ability to summarize any text – and a lot more.
Summarize Any Text
If Summary Service is enabled, using it is simple. Just highlight text in almost any program – your web browser of choice, for example, or a word processor. Then click the application’s name in the menubar (the bold word to the right of the Apple logo), and mouse down to Services. You should see Summarize Text, as shown above. Click it and you’ll see the following window:
You can calibrate, on percentage scale, how much of the text you want to see. The service tries to use context to figure out which sentences – or paragraphs, depending on what you set – are most essential to read in a given text. What works best will vary from person to person, but I find this to be most useful around 20 per cent.
The service isn’t perfect at figuring out what information is most important in any given piece of text, but it can be a great place to start if you’re pressed for time.
You can read the summarized text right here, if you want, or you can save it for later.
Potential Uses
So, what could you actually use this for? The first answer – condensing long documents that you need to read – is possible. This could be useful for research, but you may not want to rely on it entirely.
But perhaps even more useful is using this tool on your own writing. Run your text through this tool and read what comes out. If you disagree that the essence of your point is coming across in the summary, perhaps you’ve not emphasized that point enough. Read your writing again, and try to make the point clearer.
Enabling Your Mac’s Summary Service
Can’t find Summary Service in the Services menu? Don’t panic: it’s easy enough to add. Click the application menu, then scroll down to Services:
Click Services Preferences, as shown above, and you will see a checklist of all services. Scroll down until you find Summary Service.
You can add a keyboard shortcut. This will make using Summary Service a lot easier – just highlight some text and press your keyboard shortcut to launch the service.
Or, if you prefer, you could pin the Summary Service to your Mac’s dock. Just open it as outlined above, then right-click the dock icon:

Now you can open the service whenever you want, from your dock.
What Other Useful Services Are There?
While enabling Summary Service, you’ll probably notice there’s a lot more yet-to-be-installed services to explore. Wondering what else you can accomplish? Well, we’ve shown you how to create your own Mac ServicesHow To Create Your Own Services Menu Options on MacHow To Create Your Own Services Menu Options on MacRead More, but you don’t need to dig that deep to find useful things. Here are a few more things you can enable in the menu, while you’re turning on Summary Service:
Paraphrase Tool For Mac
- Open a Terminal instance at the currently open folder in Finder
- Add highlighted text to a spoken MP3 in iTunes
- Show the location of a particular address in the Maps app
- Reveal a specific file in Finder
You’ll also find a variety of application-specific services. If you’re an Evernote user, for example, you’ll find the ability to add any text you’ve copied to a new note. If you’ve installed Twitter for Mac, you can tweet any excerpt you copy (though, considering the 140 character limit, you might want to summarize the content first).
Paraphrasing Tool Text
Are you a regular user of the Services menu? Are you just finding out about Services? Let’s learn together: let me know if you find anything else that’s useful.
Wondering what else might be hidden in OS X? You should check out the secret features of OS X MavericksSecrets of OS X Mavericks: What You Really Need To KnowSecrets of OS X Mavericks: What You Really Need To KnowYou probably already know about the major features of the latest, free upgrade for Mac OS X. Here are the hidden ones.Read More, because you probably missed something.
Paraphrase Tool For Free
Despite following these instructions the summarise tool does not work on my macbook. System preferences - Keyboard - Shortcuts - Text - Summarise, I even gave it a shortcut! But the tool does't work sadly, When I click on windows services it says there are no 'services to apply.' Help?
Sounds fairly useful - thanks!
MSWord 2010 no longer has the Autosummarize tool.
That's disappointing...
I find Services one of the best utility parts of OS X.
My most often used one is 'New TexEdit Window Containing Selection', a great time saver.Is there any solution like this for windows users
Summarized this page to:
It’s been around since the early days of OS X, but it’s buried in a menu you probably never look at – the services menu, one of many contextual menus on your Mac.
...The service isn’t perfect at figuring out what information is most important in any given piece of text, but it can be a great place to start if you’re pressed for time.