Fiddler Tool For Mac

Active5 years, 8 months ago

I would like to know if there are any applications like fiddler but for mac OS X, as I need to debug some requests from web applications in Mac OS X. I used to do it with fiddler on Windows and would love to have this tool available on Mac as well.

Configure Fiddler for Mac. Virtualization products like VMWare Fusion or Parallels Desktop permit Fiddler to run in a virtual machine on your Mac. Open Fiddler. Click Tools > Fiddler Options > Connections. Click the checkbox by Allow remote computers to connect. Restart Fiddler.

Brady Moritz
  1. Fiddler is a complex tool designed to help you debug the internet traffic for any application that can use a proxy. Fiddler will automatically log the HTTP or HTTPs connections launched on your computer and allows you to analyze the data. Note that the Fiddler for Mac is currently in Alpha stage and uses the Mono framework to run. To be able to install the Fiddler app you must make sure the.
  2. Fiddler can capture local traffic by using the machine's name as the host name rather than 'localhost'. Click File > Save > All Sessions. Attach the resulting file in.saz format for Support.
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closed as not constructive by Bill the LizardAug 27 '12 at 12:51

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.


12 Answers

There's the more general but perhaps not as helpful to you Wireshark.

One of the SO server sites might be better suited for your question. In fact, it's already been asked on SuperUser.

61k13 gold badges122 silver badges181 bronze badges

Charles is written in Java and runs on Macs. It's not free though.

You can point your Mac at your Windows+Fiddler machine:

And as of 2013, there's an Alpha download of Fiddler for the Mono Framework, which runs on Mac and Linux. Also, the very latest version of Fiddler can import .PCAP files captured from WireShark or other tools run on the Mac.

51.8k5 gold badges127 silver badges173 bronze badges

If you don't get any direct answer to this you could always run Fiddler on a windows machine and configure your browser on the Mac to use the windows machine as a proxy server. Not very satisfactory and requires a second machine (although it could be virtual).

167k30 gold badges221 silver badges292 bronze badges

HTTPScoop is awesome for inspecting the web traffic on your Mac. It's been incredibly helpful for me. I didn't think twice about the $15 price tag. There is a 14 day trial.

Jan 25, 2017  - Launched Outlook. Received a message saying the Outlook database needs to be repaired. Started the repair operation. There is no indication of what the Mac is doing. Outlook appears to be running. I see a new folder: - Users > Libraries > Group Containers > UBF8T346T9.Office > Outlook > Outlook 15 Profiles > Main Profile - rebuilding. The recovery software helps users to repair Outlook 2011 for Mac as well as to repair outlook 2016 Mac OLM file. The Mac operating system that it supports are versions macOS Sierra 10.12, 10.11, 10.9, 10.7 and all the lower releases. Inbox repair tool for outlook 2007 free download - Inbox Repair Tool for PST, Inbox Repair Tool for OST, Outlook Inbox Repair, and many more programs. Best Video Software for the Mac. Inbox repair tool 2000.

Jonathan BadeenJonathan Badeen
Fiddler Tool For Mac

Cocoa Packet Analyzer is similar to WireShark but with a much better interface.


WebScarab is a framework for analysing applications that communicate using the HTTP and HTTPS protocols. It is written in Java, and is thus portable to many platforms. WebScarab has several modes of operation, implemented by a number of plugins. In its most common usage, WebScarab operates as an intercepting proxy, allowing the operator to review and modify requests created by the browser before they are sent to the server, and to review and modify responses returned from the server before they are received by the browser. WebScarab is able to intercept both HTTP and HTTPS communication. The operator can also review the conversations (requests and responses) that have passed through WebScarab.


The free Tamper Data Firefox extension is pretty good. Allows you to view, filter and modify all requests.

Brandon HillBrandon Hill

Charles is an excellent Web Debugging Proxy for Windows, Mac OS and Linux. The full version is 50$ but it's well worth it.

17.5k22 gold badges66 silver badges74 bronze badges

In case you are using Eclipse you might try http4e

Repair corrupted SD card by calling CHKDSK 1. Samsung sd card repair tool. In the drop-down list, select the drive letter you want to assign to the card and click OK to finish the process. Choose 'Call Windows Chkdsk' option and click 'OK' to let the software automatically check and repair SD card errors & corruptions. Launch EaseUS SD card repair tool, right-click the card and choose 'Check partition'.

Petko MarkoPetko Marko

I know this is an old question, but I wanted to add ServiceCapture to the list, for those who may come across this.

I've been using ServiceCapture for about 4 years and love it. It's not free, but it is a great tool and not very expensive. If you debug a lot of Flash or AJAX apps it is invaluable.

Run A Fiddler Trace On Mac

TJ DownesTJ Downes

I think the possibilities are less, but FireBug (addon of FireFox) has some network analysis tools, too.

Laurent Jégou

Fiddler Application For Mac

Laurent Jégou
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Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged debugginghttpmacoshttpssniffing or ask your own question.

Enable Logging

Fiddler For Mac Os X

For Windows Clients

Microsoft Outlook has an option that allows the user to turn on logging for certain Outlook features. The log data that is created by this process would be collected and used to further troubleshoot a problem you are experiencing. Either our support staff or Microsoft's will be asking for this data, so follow these instructions to enable this feature in Outlook for Windows. Use SQL Server Migration Assistant to simplify migration to SQL Server and Azure SQL Database from Microsoft Access, IBM DB2, MySQL, Oracle, and Sybase ASE. Data loading and migration Use the Bulk Copy Program command-line utility to easily copy data between an instance of SQL Server and a data file in a user-specified format, import a large number of new rows into SQL Server tables, or export data out of tables into data files.

  1. Start Outlook.
  2. Click the File and from here click Options.
  3. Click the Advanced tab located on the left.
  4. Locate the section labeled Other and check the box labeled Enable troubleshooting logging (requires restarting Outlook).
  5. Exit and restart Outlook.

After you have turned on logging, the files will be stored in a folder in the folder. By default, the Temp folder is located in the AppDataLocal folder.

  • c:UsersusernameAppDataLocalTemp

After navigating to the files, you will want to highlight them all and then right click them and click Send to and click Compressed (zipped) folder so you can easily supply these to either our's or Microsoft's support staff.

For Mac Clients

  • Outlook for Mac:
    1. From the Window menu, click Sync Errors.
    2. The Sync Errors window will appear, click the gear icon.
    3. Select the option labeled Turn on logging for troubleshooting and click OK.
    4. Close the Sync Errors window and restart your client.
  • Outlook for Mac 2011:
    1. From the Windows menu, click Error Log.
    2. The Error window will appear, click the gear icon.
    3. Select the option labeled Turn on logging for troubleshooting and click OK.
    4. Close the Error window and restart your client.

Once you have enabled logging, it is a good idea to try and reproduce the problem you are experiencing and then disable logging by following the steps above again to deselect the logging option. You can find the logs located in the following locations:

  • Outlook for Mac: ~/Library/Containers/