I'm looking for a regular expression based search/replace GUI tool that is able to handle multiple files/subdirectories, something like grepWin but for Mac OS X. I'm aware of grep and I don't need an editor, just a standalone tool. AJC Grep - 1.3: AJC Grep is a powerful file finder, text search, replace and data extraction program for Windows. This is a major time saving tool for developers, documenters, web designers and anyone who has to search and replace in a large number of files. Ripgrep is an open-source grep variation for Windows, Linux and Mac. It's a command-line tool which can search files, folders or entire systems for your specified text. Matching file names are displayed along with the relevant lines, and your search text is highlighted to help you spot it at a glance.
Need to work a bit on a pretty big text file.
Could someone suggest something similar to 'The Regex Coach' but to be able to save matched results only?
Thanks ;)
SomebodySomebody3 Answers
There are many good tools available. I regularly use the following. Based on the OP, it sounds like a simple use of grep would work (grep pattern file > newfile

Many others as well (Perl, Python, etc.)
Mark WilkinsMark WilkinsTools like 'The Regex Coach' or the 'Regular Expression Designer' are tools to test regular expressions and not to work on files. I don't know one that can store the results, Regex Designer can store the Regexes in a xml file.
If you want to do that you should use a Editor with regular expression support, like:
Notepad++, is free but the regex support is a bit limited.
UltraEdit, not free (trial period of 30 days), but better regex support
Log Analyzer Tool
stemaGrep Regex Groups
stemaGrep Extended Regex
Regex Pixie is a tool that can save just the matches.